TikTok Shop & Digital Intelligence

TikTok digital inteligence

The business world is becoming more reliant on digital. First-party data and competitive intelligence data provides for greater insight into the digital world. The following post uses TikTok as an example of using digital intelligence to help inform strategies, understand any competitive market you operate in and confidently make data-driven business decisions. The TikTok Shop TikTok shopping is […]

The Step-by-Step Guide to Market Research 

The Step-by-Step Guide to Market Research: How-Tos, Types, Templates

How-tos, Types and Templates So you’re about to start a business. Awesome! Before you start selling your product or service, though, it’s important to know what your customers want, what your competition is doing, and what trends you’ll need to keep up with.  The foundation of any successful business is the right data—collected through proper […]

Australian Restaurant Industry Analysis

Australian Restaurant Market Up 13% & 27% More Bookings

Restaurant web traffic up 13%, with 27% more bookings Website traffic growth and leads are essential for any business to succeed and grow. Understanding the digital channels that will deliver these is thus paramount to creating a digital strategy for market growth. In this quick post, we identify how digital marketing impacts restaurants, and show […]

Australian Cruise Industry Analysis

a large cruise ship sailing off with beautiful islands nearby

Website traffic is a common measurement of an industry’s health in the digital age. Take the retail industry, for instance. In the same way that more walk-in traffic at physical stores tends to create more sales, more people visiting a website suggests a higher propensity to purchase. Measuring the health of the cruise industry You […]